Pours a deep, earthy brown colour with a full white head. Pop the top, and a full cola nose races forward, followed with a round, rich flavour, punctuated with hints of toasted cotton candy and traces of lime.
4 x 355ml cans.
Sweetness: 8/10
Meet Marco the Monkey:
The cheetah may be the fastest land animal on four legs, but when it comes to four wheels, this prime-time primate always takes the checkered flag. Marco the Monkey gracefully speeds around corners and routinely finishes a full body length (or two) ahead of the competition. With a full-bodied flavour profile and smooth finish, there’s only one option for the winner’s circle.
Ingredients: carbonated water, cane sugar, dark candi syrup, natural cola flavour, kola nut, sodium benzoate, phosphoric acid.
4 x 355ml cans.
Sweetness: 8/10
Meet Marco the Monkey:
The cheetah may be the fastest land animal on four legs, but when it comes to four wheels, this prime-time primate always takes the checkered flag. Marco the Monkey gracefully speeds around corners and routinely finishes a full body length (or two) ahead of the competition. With a full-bodied flavour profile and smooth finish, there’s only one option for the winner’s circle.
Ingredients: carbonated water, cane sugar, dark candi syrup, natural cola flavour, kola nut, sodium benzoate, phosphoric acid.
Phillips Brewing & Soda
Phillips Soda Works was founded by Phillips Brewing Company in 2012 and built on the simple premise that our commitment to hand-brewing craft beer with real ingredients could extend to soda.We will never use cheap corn syrups, artificial colours or flavours in our sodas. Instead, our recipes are built from actual spices and juices, sweetened with cane sugar, and brewed by real brewers in an actual brewery.