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Green Garlic
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Green "spring" garlic has a gentle onion-garlic flavour, and is delicious anywhere you'd typically use onion, garlic, or leeks. The lower part of the green stem can be sliced (like with leeks), and you can use both the bulb and the stem either fresh or cooked.
Try it in omelettes, risotto, salads, potato salad, soups, or on pizza.
Try it in omelettes, risotto, salads, potato salad, soups, or on pizza.
Island Shire
"I've had a strawberry kitchen forever!", says Shannon Van Hemert. Strawberries are her favourite fruit, and she's decorated with them since she got married. So it made sense to specialize in growing them on her Tolkien-themed farm, Island Shire."We don't pick them if they're not ripe. So the berries are sweet and juicy, and ready to eat sooner than later."
Island Shire started in 2010 when the Van Hemerts decided to move back to James' home province. They scoped out several areas of BC, but the Cowichan Valley was the best fit. Shannon grows a variety of fruits and vegetables, with main crops of strawberries and garlic. No herbicides, pesticides, or fungicides are sprayed on the farm, but Instead they use organic practices such as crop rotation, green manures, row covers, soil solarization and lots of plain old-fashioned weeding.